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Fishing Charter Directory VIC Fishing Charters Queenscliff Fishing Charters


Queenscliff Fishing Charters

Queenscliff Fishing Charters (10)

Fishing Charters in Queenscliff can provide for an exciting and versatile fishing experience. Located around the outskirts of Port Phillip Bay, the best of both worlds can be enjoyed. You can experience the bay or fish the offshore reefs for species such as snapper, Kingfish, King George whiting, flathead, sharks and Tuna.

(Highly Recommended)Queenscliff_Fishing_Charters_8

Queenscliff VIC
Peter Smallwood
03 5258 4647
0412 315 661 

Queenscliff Fishing Charters

Queenscliff Fishing Charters run by Big Red Fishing Charters caters for the thrill seeking angler wishing to experience the joy of fishing the Rip at Port Phillip Heads and the fish-rich waters of Bass Strait.

Our boat is a genuine 30 ft at water line or 35 ft if you measure from the bow to stern , we get along at 30 knots, we carry 40 fishing outfits on board, from light fun sticks for plastics to game fishing gear for Tuna and Sharks.

Running Queenscliff Fishing Charters since 1987, Big Red Fishing Charters fish both in Port Phillip bay and Bass Strait. We keep our groups down in size to keep the service level up!

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“We don't run a show that leaves at a fixed time as we are happy to be as serious as people wish us to be in regards to the fishing, sometimes this will mean we recommend a 4am departure for example to get the dawn bite on the snapper other days it maybe 10am.”

Species available to our clients include Snapper, Whiting, Yellowtail Kingfish, Salmon, Mako Sharks, Thresher Sharks, Blue Sharks, Calamari, Barracouta and numerous reef fish.

Why Queenscliff?

Queenscliff is situated at the mouth of Port Phillip Bay in Victoria and offers a unique and diverse range of fishing options. These range from shallow sand flats to 90 metre canyons, all within 10 minutes of Queenscliff's sheltered harbour. Having shorelines that offer protection from 90% of the region's predominant winds, Queenscliff allows our clients to fish safely and in relative comfort. More importantly, it is rare for a trip to be cancelled due to weather.

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Because of our close proximity to Port Phillip Heads, we are able to offer the option of fishing Bass Strait on all our trips (weather permitting). The vast majority of the grounds fished have no commercial pressure, and this coupled with nutrient-rich tidal flows make Queenscliff a fisherman's paradise.

Big Red Fishing Charters is owned by Peter Smallwood. Peter provides his clients with sound local knowledge, having spent over 25 years full-time fishing in the Queenscliff/Bass Strait region.

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Anglers are encouraged to talk personally with Peter. This allows Peter’s professional experience to advise and accommodate as to what is the best possible tide scenarios and moon phases and time of year, which will play an important factor into hooking your favourite catch! Our target species are whiting, snapper, sharks, blue fin tuna, calamari, salmon and SPECIALTY - yellowtail kingfish (proven track record on yellowtail kingfish, Don't be fooled by promises ask for multiple photos to be sent to you of the operators catches). 

Departure from Queenscliff public boat ramp (Jordan reserve) or Portsea pier.

So remember for Queenscliff Fishing Charters do not hesitate to contact us on: 03 5258 4647 or 0412 315 661